AoC 2023, Day 6, Wait for it
This puzzle is called Wait For It.
open System
let sampleText =
"Time: 7 15 30
Distance: 9 40 200"
Part 1
In this puzzle, I can make use of units of measure. This will allow me to make sure I don’t get my time numbers mixed up with my distance numbers. Because F# does not have built-in units for milliseconds and milliseconds I can very easily define them myself.
[<Measure>] type ms
[<Measure>] type mm
I also want a type to hold the basic data for each rice that is extracted while parsing.
type Race = Race of time: int64<ms> * distance: int64<mm>
I need a couple of functions to help me pass the text into my Race
let pasreAs (measure: int64<'a>) (txt: string) =
txt.Split(':').[1].Trim().Split(' ')
|> Array.where (fun s -> s <> "")
|> int64
|> ((*) measure)
let parseRases (text: string) =
let [|t; d|] = text.Split('\n')
let times = t |> pasreAs 1L<ms>
let dists = d |> pasreAs 1L<mm>
[ for i = 0 to times.Length - 1 do
yield Race (times[i], dists[i])]
The next function will calculate the distance the boat will travel, given the time it spends accelerating and time is spends moving.
let distanceTraveld accelerate time =
let speed = accelerate * 1L<mm/ms^2>
let timeToRace = time - accelerate
let distance = speed * timeToRace
I need to calculate each possible travel distance for each race.
let allAcceleratorOptions (time: int64<ms>) =
seq { for i = 1L to (time * 1L</ms>) do
yield distanceTraveld (i*1L<ms>) time }
I must count how many of each possible travel distances would win
let winCount (Race (time, distance)) =
allAcceleratorOptions time
|> Seq.filter (fun x -> distance < x)
|> Seq.length
Let me run this, and see what I get.
|> parseRases
|> winCount
|> List.fold (*) 1
is the expected value for the test data.
My final answer is also correct, and I get another star.
Part 2
In part two, most calculations are exactly the same. We rather just has to run it as a single race, rather than a collection of races.
I will create a couple of more functions to parse the input text as a single race.
let parseAsOne (measure: int64<'a>) (txt: string) =
txt.Split(':').[1].Replace(" ", "").Trim()
|> int64
|> ((*) measure)
let parseOneRace (text: string) =
let [|t; d|] = text.Split('\n')
let time = t |> parseAsOne 1L<ms>
let dist = d |> parseAsOne 1L<mm>
Race (time, dist)
I will then run this, and see what I get.
|> parseOneRace
|> winCount
is correct, and I get another star for my final answer as well.